Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Sorry for my lack of posting. I have not felt like I had the time or the interest in posting about our never ending house project. I have pictures of the progress on a camera I cannot currently find because we were suppose to move into our house on Sunday, which didn't happen but we did have to move out of the rental house. About a month ago while talking to our crew we asked how far out the end was and they assured us we would be in within 30 days, so we gave our 30 day notice on the rental house. And things got delayed and more delayed, and here we are back in the same hotel we started in. Our poor babies, living in such transition! Our son has lived out of our house longer than he lived in our house. Something is super wrong and sad about that.

In the last month our house has transformed into a beautiful space. You can really see the progress and that it will be fantastic, if we can ever get there. This week our project manager was removed from our job and the owner of the company has taken over. We are hopeful that the pace will pick up. There were also two inspections this week, the plumbing and the HVAC, which both did not pass. The HVAC is a very simple fix and should pass today actually. The plumbing could be a big issue, or nothing at all. The inspector needs some reading about the pressure in the gas line when all the gas appliances are in use. If the numbers are too high, that would result in a new gas line, adding about a week to the already too long process.

Pictures to follow soon. Once I can catch my breathe to find the camera. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we have so much to be thankful for. Even in the mist of chaos, we have a healthy family who will only grow stronger from all of this. We are also thankful for the men and women who work on our house and even though we think it is taking too long, they are doing it right!

Monday, November 1, 2010

So Sick of This!!!!

So things have not been going smoothly. The cabinets have a hiccup which will be at least a week longer. Not to mention that our granite, sink, faucet, water heater, and back splash are all waiting on the cabinets to get redone. Awesome. There are also so many other things that need to be corrected that I cannot even begin to think we will be in our house soon. We have heard so many deadlines starting with the end of September (HA!) to all through October to the present. We have some furniture being delivered because we were told the first week in November would not be a problem. We were very mindful of contractors never finishing on time, which is why we waited until just the countertops were left to be installed. Not knowing during a walk through the owner of our contracting company would spot a mistake (I guess thankfully he did, no one else seemed to notice!).

Ok, I feel better. Here is the latest change. Carpet!!! It is so nice and new and nothing like the stuff we had before and disliked so much.

 Pictures taken on Halloween, I think the kids liked the carpet!